October 3, 2023

Intel made a huge mistake 10 years ago. Now 12,000 workers are paying the price.

Intel made a huge mistake 10 years ago. Now 12,000 workers are paying the price.

> In 2005, Intel turned down an opportunity to provide the processor for the iPhone, believing that Apple was unlikely to sell enough of them to justify the development costs. It turned out to be a major error in judgement and a classic example of missing the giant disruptor lurking just around the corner! The term disruption has become so commonplace in the technology world that it's sometimes treated as a joke. But business guru Clay Christensen gave it a more precise meaning that fits Intel's situation perfectly: a cheap, simple, and less profitable technology that gradually erodes the market for a more established technology.Read on to know about how Intel is becoming just another company that has failed to effectively deal with this kind of disruptive threat.

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